Crafting Magic: Discover How to Unleash Your Creativity with Scrapbook Paper

By Ava Brown, March 27, 2024

Scrapbooking is a fun hobby that lets you capture moments, feelings, and stories in a visually appealing way. It’s suitable for both kids and crafty adults. This hobby impacts your mood, boosts your creativity, helps improve your memory and preserve cherished moments with your loved ones. One of the most crucial supplies you’ll need to get started with preserving your memories is your trusty scrapbook paper. Read on to learn how to properly store and use your paper to make your scrapbooking dreams come true. 

Store It Properly

Paper Storage Solution

Before I delve into the nitty-gritty of scrapbooking, I should mention that storing your supplies properly is crucial. With the help of convenient paper storage solutions, you can organise your supplies and protect them from damage at the same time. Your choice will depend on the type, size, and amount of craft supplies that you have. If you need a compact solution, look for sleek dividers, self-sealing bags, and trays. 

On the other hand, you should opt for bigger scrapbook paper storage like a storage rack unit if you’re a passionate enthusiast who hoards a lot of supplies. I know what you’re thinking – But can’t I just keep my supplies on my desk or stuff them in a drawer? – and you absolutely can. However, modern paper can easily deteriorate under the influence of moisture, UV rays, and other external factors. 

By using a proper paper storage unit, you ensure that your prized supplies will remain in good condition until you use the last bit of them. This way, you can also organise them to your liking, so that each design is easily accessible whenever you need it. 

What’s the Proper Way to Store Paper?

If you neglect your scrapbooking supplies, they can deteriorate, and you’ll risk losing the money you’ve invested. So, let’s dive into some practical tips to ensure this paper’s long-term survival: 

  • Create the right environment: Store your supplies in a cool, dry, and dark place. Excessive heat and humidity can make paper brittle or mouldy, while exposure to light can cause fading and yellowing; 
  • Invest in quality craft paper holders: Choose storage materials that scream stability like wood and sturdy plastics. Archival containers such as boxes, paper sleeves, folders, or mats should always meet your preservation quality standards; 
  • Store paper flat: Avoid folding or rolling the sheets when you place them in your scrapbook paper holder. Rolled sheets can become a headache to unroll, and folded ones tend to rip at the folds. Opt for flat storage, using units large enough to accommodate your supplies. 

Make Spreads Instead of Pages

Many new scrapbookers fall into the trap of designing each page individually. However, this creates a chaotic visual symphony with clashing patterns and an excess of embellishments. The magic unfolds when you embrace the concept of spreads – pairing two individual pages like chapters in a book. This approach introduces a sense of continuity, tying the story together harmoniously. 

Imagine reliving the laughter around a campfire during a camping trip. With spreads, you can seamlessly blend images of the starry night with snippets of adventurous hikes. This creates a visual story that unfolds effortlessly across the pages. A relaxing day at the spa deserves more than isolated moments captured on a page. For candid Mother’s Day snapshots, spreads become a heartfelt canvas to showcase the warmth of shared moments. Whether it’s the breakfast-in-bed surprises or the heartfelt handwritten notes, spreads allow for a narrative that mirrors the depth and richness of the relationships that you want to celebrate. 

Make Sure It’s Not Overwhelming


To create a visually compelling spread, you should identify your focal point first and then select paper that complements rather than overshadows the theme. When you curate layouts with multiple photos, opt for designs with subtle patterns or solid colours. This way, the design serves as a backdrop and allows your captured moments to shine without being eclipsed by intricate designs. The goal is to strike a harmonious balance where the paper enhances the theme rather than competing for attention. 

Mix and Match

Learn how to blend different papers to create appealing compositions that enhance your storytelling. For example, if you’re designing a Christmas spread, opt for complementary papers with the same festive design but in two distinct colours. This will infuse a dynamic energy into the spread. Cut each paper in half widthwise and strategically glue one-half of each sheet on opposite ends of the spread to create a harmonious balance of holiday cheer. You can also play with contrast, incorporating patterned designs that complement each other without overwhelming the visual narrative. 

Choose Colours

Experimenting with paper opens a realm of possibilities, so you can create layouts that make your cherished moments pop. If you want to design stunning spreads, choose paper in colours that complement the colours of your photos. It will serve as a dynamic backdrop and accentuate the elements in the photos. These colours will enhance the narrative and ensure that every element contributes to the visual symphony. 

Contrast is also a powerful tool in your scrapbooking arsenal. If your photos boast vibrant hues, neutral or soft-coloured papers like off-white, taupe, light green, or faded blue can provide a calming balance. On the flip side, if you want the colours to pop, a black or dark brown background serves as a dramatic stage and allows the vibrant hues to take the spotlight.